This music video takes place in the epicenter of music fandom - a teenager's bedroom in the early 2000s. And the worlds hottest band? Joan.
Joan posters paper the walls. Joan cassettes, CDs, shirts, magazine cut outs leave no space untouched in this room. Anything that you can print an image on, theres a photo of Joan on it.
Our main character, a Joan super fan, excitedly sits at their clunky Windows XP computer. Internet explorer has tab after tab open of Joan fan websites - http://www.joanfans.biz, joanzone.net, joan4life.co.uk. They rapidly refresh all of them until they see what they’re looking for - “NEW JOAN MUSIC VIDEO!!! WATCH NOW!”
Wide eyed, they’re glued to the flickering CRT monitor just trying to take it all in. In anticipation of watching this video on loop forever, they right click the video to download it. As they run down their options, they’re presented with one they’ve never seen before - “print video”. They click.
The printer fires up, slowly printing the first frame of the music video. Then the next, and the next, and the next. The printer displays “PRINTING PAGE 5 of 6391”. Someone who is savvy to the price of printer ink would be mortified, but the level of excitement our super fan is feeling couldn’t be higher.
They jump on the bed, singing their new favorite song while making it rain Joan print outs. They sit on the bed and call their friends on their bright red phone with the comically long red cable from the “So Done” video. They cut out her new print outs in the shape of hearts. Finally, the camera looks down and pulls straight up as they lay on the now print out covered floor, making Joan angels. Best. music video. premiere. EVER.
The narrative is intercut with a Joan performance - the same one our super fan is watching on their computer. However, once the printer starts to print out photos, the performance changes too. We’ll actually print out every single frame of the video, scan all 6000 frames back into the computer, and the end result will be a video that actually looks like it was filmed on paper. It’s an effect we’ve never seen in a music video before.
We didn’t write this for a specific Joan song, but we feel it would work great for any of their more upbeat tracks. Joan also has such a fantastic array of promo photos that we thought building this teenage bedroom set would be an awesome way to incorporate them all.
Thanks for reading the treatment, and for visiting joanzone.net !
- Eric and Nick